February 26, 2009

The Blood Sport of Home Selling

Selling a home has always been a competitive event. It has now become a blood sport.

Too few buyers, mortgage requirements geared to glean only the most credit worthy of applicants and appraisers that examine a home's value with the precision of a jeweler require buyers and their agents to form a closer alliance and develop new strategies to get a property sold.

To this end my networking group here at Coldwell Banker is developing pre-listing packages for Sellers. Home Stagers will be giving the entire home a close look for its visual appeal and making suggestions for any needed enhancements/ facelifts. Handymen will take care of the small need-to-do items that plague most houses that can block a buyer's view of anything else. Licensed Inspectors will perform a whole-house check that will turn up any major problems that can be taken care of before the house hits the market. Housekeeping would also be offered. All of the services will be made available at special rates for our clients.

We'll still have quite a fight on our hands to successfully market a property. But, we won't be entering the ring tripping over our shoe laces.